Asset Management

Centralize your asset data for easy reporting and data transformations. Plug-n-play asset classes and parent/child structures to capture data at the maintainable components. Geographical Information System (GIS) integration allows to place asset locations and boundaries on the map. Generate customizable dashboards and real property asset metrics by location, system or asset.

Plug-n-play asset hierarchies, FMEA library by asset class, and the maintenance tasks needed to automate your maintenance workflow process.


asset management panel

Work Management

Initiate, plan, schedule, and execute work orders. Assign maintenance job plans, predefined MRO pick lists, and craft codes to automate work planning. Real-time data collection using our Smart Field Forms integration.

Preventive Maintenance

Digitize preventive maintenance task plans and create custom alerts to trigger corrective maintenance.

Geographical Information System(GIS)

Plot points and boundaries on interactive maps to track the geographic locations of assets and work orders.

Ready to streamline maintenance operations?